Rabu, 08 Juni 2022

Exercise of Describing Animal


           Elephants are the heaviest land animals. They are also intelligent and have good memories. Most of them live in Africa and Asia, such as in Lampung, Indonesia. They use their long trunks almost like an arm, to put food and water in their mouths. They eat grass and plants.

1. What animal is it?
A. It is an elephant.
B. It is a giraffe.
C. It is a tiger.
D. It is a horse.

Read the following dialogue to answer questions number 2-3!
Wina : Where were you at 10.00? I came to your class but you weren't there
Desi : When you (24) ... to my class, I was (25) ... my teacher carrying students book to the teacher at10.00.
2. How many legs do they have?
A. They have four legs.
B. They have three legs.
C. They have two legs.
D. They have five legs.

3. Where do The elephants live?
A. They live in Africa and Asia.
B. They live in Africa and Indonesia.
C. They live in Africa and Amerika.
D. They ive in Africa and China.

4. What do the elephants eat?
A. They eat grass and plant.
B. They eat meat.
C. They eat milk.
D. They cheeze.

5. Are The elephants huge animals
A. Yes, they are.
B. No, they aren't.
C. Yes, it is.
D. No, it isn't.

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Descriptive Text

 Descriptive Text

(Teks Deskripsi)

A. Definition (Pengertian)
Descriptive text is a text that describes a person, animal or thing.
(Teks deskripsi adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan orang, binatang atau benda.)

B. Social Function (Fungsi Teks)
To describe a particular person, place or thing.
(Untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang, tempat atau benda yang khusus.)

C. Generic Structures (Struktur Teks)
There are two generic structures of Descriptive Text. They are Identification and Description.
(Ada dua struktur teks dari teks deskripsi. Itu adalah identifikasi - berisi pengenalan dan deskripsi - berisi penggambaran.)

D. Kinds of Descriptive Text (Jenis-jenis teks descripsi)
1. Describing People (Mendeskripsikan orang)
2. Describing Animals (Mendeskripsikan Binatang)
3. Describing Things (Mendeskripsikan Benda)

E. Example (Contoh)

My Lovely Cat

         I have a stray cat as my pet.   He is really playful, He loved to play with me and the new things he found. He has orange and white fur, his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it for him. He has a long tail. He likes to play with it. He is also always try to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold him in my hand, when i hold him like that he will fall asleep.

Merah =  Identification
Biru    =  Description

Kucing Kesayanganku
      Saya punya kucing liar sebagai hewan peliharaan saya. Dia benar-benar lucu, ia senang bermain dengan saya dan hal-hal baru yang ditemukan. Dia memiliki bulu oranye dan putih, bulunya sangat lembut dan saya ingin selalu mengelusnya. Dia memiliki ekor panjang. Ia suka bermain dengan ekornya. Ia juga selalu berusaha untuk menangkap ekornya. Saya juga suka menggendingnya di tangan saya, ketika saya menggendongnya seperti itu dia akan tertidur.

E. Tenses (Tata Bahasa)
Tenses yang digunakan pada teks ini adalah:
Simple Present Tense [Nominal] [Verbal]

Note: Klik untuk mempelajarinya!

E. Exercise (Latihan)

Text is for number 1-4!

Kitty My Cute Cat

One of the most inteseting and adorable animals in the world is a cat. Luna has a little cute cat. She calls it kitty. It is small and fat. I like the fur because it is so smooth and it has 2 colours, yellow and grey.
Kitty is so active. She always follow Luna wherever she goes. She never bites anybody. She is eating fishes and meats but she doesnot like drinking milk. Luna and I love Kitty very much.

1. What is the kind of the text?.
A. Recount
B. Report
C. Descripitve
D. Narrative

Read the following dialogue to answer questions number 2-3!
Wina : Where were you at 10.00? I came to your class but you weren't there
Desi : When you (24) ... to my class, I was (25) ... my teacher carrying students book to the teacher at10.00.
2. The second paragraph of the text above shows us the...
A. Description
B. Identification
C. Complication
D. Reorientation

3. Which statement is False based on the text?...
A. She doesnot drinking milk
B. Kitty has 3 colours
C. Luna's cat is Kitty
D. Kitty is so active

4. What is the pupose of the text above?
A. To entertain the reader
B. To retell past event
C. To describe what somethings is like
D. To make somethings

5. What is he? He is a.....
A. He is a doctor
B. He is a nurse
C. He is a barber
D. He is a sailor

6. Which of the following sentences is Negative Simple Present Tense?
A. She is a Student
B. I do not go to school
C. You are Teacher
D. Thet am not my parents

7. Mr.Ujang works in the ricefield.
He grows and plants crops or rice. He is a.....
A. Fisherman
B. Farmer
C. Tailor
D. Teacher

8. Which statement is True based on the text above?
A. He is short
B. He is poor man
C. He is not from portugal
D. He plays as striker

9. What is Cristiano Ronaldo?
A. Badminton player
B. Football player
C. Singer
D. Boxer

10. Does His hobby read a book?
A. Yes, he does
B. No, she does not
C. Yes, she does
D. No, it does not

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Selasa, 07 Juni 2022

Exercise of Present Tense, Present Continuous and Notice

Text for number 1-4!
Look at the picture, please tell me Nina's daily activity!

1. Number 1...
A. Nina cleans up the bedroom.
B. Nina cleans up the toilet.
2. Number 2...
A. Nina does an exercise.
B. Nina dances.
3. Number 3...
A. Nina has a dinner.
B. Nina has a breakfast.
4. Number 4...
A. Nina goes to school.
B. Nina goes to traditional market.

Choose the suitable statement based on the following pictures to answer number 5-7!

5. What is Mr. Zaenal doing?
A. Mr. Zaenal is sweeping the leaves.
B. Mr. Zaenal is cutting the plants.
6. What is Mrs. Zaenal doing?
A. Mrs. Zaenal is sweeping the leaves.
B. Mrs. Zaenal is watering the leaves.
7. What are Nina and Andre doing?
A. Nina and Andre are cutting the plants.
B. Nina and Andre are watering the plants.

8. What does the notice mean?
A. The students must turn off the cellularphone.
B. The students must throw away the cellularphone.

9. What does the notice mean?
A. We are ordered to step on the grass.
B. We are prohibited to step on the grass.

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Short Functional Text: Notice

A. Pengertian

Notice text merupakan salah satu jenis teks fungsional pendek (short functional text) yang berisi informasi singkat dan sederhana berupa tulisan atau lambang untuk memberikan petunjuk atau peringatan kepada masyarakat.

Secara umum, tujuan adanya notice text ini adalah untuk memberikan petunjuk arahan dan peringatan. Biasanya, peringatan atau pemberitahuan ditempatkan di tempat-tempat umum. Secara khusus tujuan adanya teks ini bisa dijabarkan sebagai berikut :

  • Untuk memberikan instruksi atau menginstruksikan orang
  • Untuk memberikan informasi atau menginformasikan orang
  • Memberi petunjuk
  • Untuk bertanya kepada orang-orang
  • Untuk mengingatkan orang
  • Untuk menasehati dan menyarankan
  • Memperingatkan orang
B. Jenis Notice Text

1. Perintah (command)
Perintah/command adalah pemberitahuan memerintah. Pemberitahuan ini biasanya menginstruksikan orang atau pembaca untuk melakukan apa yang tertulis dalam teks pemberitahuan. Contoh : Green Gators…turn of the light.

2. Peringatan (Caution)
Caution ini adalah informasi singkat dan sederhana yang ditunjukan kepada orang lain untuk menghindari bahaya atau mengurangi resiko. Fungsinya untuk memperingatkan orang atau pembaca untuk berhati-hati dengan apa yang diberitahukan dalam notice text. Contoh caution : “caution : highly inflammable.

3. Larangan (Probition)
Larangan (probition) berarti melarang orang atau pembaca untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan apa yang dinyatakan dalam notice text.

3. Peringatan (Warning)
Pemberitahuan peringatan (warning) berisi informasi yang biasanya terkait dengan hal-hal berbahaya yang jika diabaikan akan berakibat fatal. Contoh : Warning : HIGH VOLTAGE!

C. Exercise

Text for number 1-2!

1. What should we do after reading the notice?
A. Keep the toilet clean
B. The toilet is being repaired
C. Use another toilet
D. Don't use the toilet

2. Where do you probably find the notice?
A. In the classroom
B. In the park
C. In the rest room
D. In the office room

Text for number 3-5!

3. What does this notice mean?
A. It is dangerous to swim in this area
B. The visitors can swim in this area
C. The beach safe for children
D. The children forbidden to swim

4. Where do you probably find this notice?
A. At the swimming pool
B. On the river bank
C. At the lake
D. On the beach

5. The word "FORBIDDEN" is closet meaning to...
A. advised
B. Told
C. Banned
D. Suggested

Text for number 6-7!

6. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To remind visitors about lost property
B. To ask visitors to keep their belongings safe
C. To ask visitors to leave the swimming pool
D. To inform visitors about their property

7. Who has probably written the notice?
A. Visitors who have lost their property in Prima
B. Prima swimming pool management
C. Prima swimming pool fans club
D. Visitors to the swimming pool

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